Choose what suits you the best from 600+ global universities the world over.
Fulfill your study abroad dreams and ambitions with us. Keeping in mind your choices, preferences, and circumstances, My Mentor helps you land your dream university.
What Is Career Counselling
Career counselling is counselling or mentoring/coaching on issues related to an individual’s career. With more and more diverse career options and professional opportunities emerging, career counselling helps individuals make the right choice about their career paths, career development and career change.
Career counsellors help individuals with the task of self-assessment and self-analysis. They then match the aptitude, skills and interests of the individuals with various job types. They also help identify the various job options available and provide clarity on different job roles. Overall, career counsellors help individuals make informed career choices and help them define their career paths to maximize the success in their chosen careers.
The Ideal Preparation You Require
My Mentor is a centre of excellence that offers IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, GRE, GMAT, and SAT exam preparation online and offline, depending on the students’ preferences.
Our qualified instructors ensure that you receive the highest possible grades and that you are supported throughout the course by giving competent solutions to your problems.
Individual one-on-one sessions are held to focus on crucial basic concepts that aid students’ learning. Students are given a variety of mock tests to practise with, giving them a complete understanding of the test.
One-On-One Classes
(No Batch System)
Learning Through Solving Previous Question Papers
Performance TrackerMechanism
Mock Test Services
Tailored Teaching - StudyAs Per Your Requirement
Overseas education has become the hallmark of education. Making an appropriate choice is the most important decision for students and counselors.
My Mentor examines students carefully by providing them with free of cost one on one counselling sessions and identifying their strengths and weaknesses before shortlisting the most suitable courses in top universities and colleges to which students want to apply.
Comprehensive Home To Hostel Support
Shortlisting Of 3Cs-Country, College & Course
Documentation Support-SOP, CV, LOR, Portfolio
Application Review And Submission
Offer Letters And Scholarships
Education Loans
Accommodation Booking
Visa Documentation And Filling
Post Visa Services Forex, Travel etc.
An education abroad is more than just taking a degree. It is a big investment in your career. Choose the investment wisely. You have many options for study abroad education loans – government-sponsored, specialised, and private loans. Our team will make the process seamless by giving you the best financial advice.
Scholarships can bring your study abroad dream one step closer. It takes away your financial stress. Numerous scholarship options are available for potential students. You just have to find the best scholarship for yourself. My Mentor will help you drive through all the options from partial tuition waivers to full scholarships and find the best study abroad scholarship for you.
Covers Cost Of Living Studying & Much More
Authorized Partners With Prestigious Lenders
Post-Loan Assistance
Personalized Guidance
Quick Approval
Get Started with My Mentor
Your journey to an elite university begins here. Complete the form below, and an Academic Advisor will reach out to guide you through how My Mentor can help you secure a spot at your dream school.