Entrance exams give a weird kind of pre-exam jitters, mainly because your whole career depends on the results. SAT is one such text that is a very important part of the study abroad admission process. However, scoring well on the SAT is a task in itself. No worries! My Mentor, the best SAT coaching in Lucknow is here to help you with SAT test strategies and preparation tips to improve your SAT score.
Here are ten effective strategies to help you achieve this goal:
What is the SAT Test All About?
Before jumping into the SAT test strategies, we must first understand what the SAT exam is all about. SAT, the Scholastic Assessment Test, is a standardized test that assesses your skills in reading, writing and basic mathematics. The purpose of this test is to make sure you are ready to study in a foreign destination as per their education standards.
The SAT exam structure consists of two sections:
- Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
- Mathematics
The sum of total SAT scores ranges from 400 to 1600. If you follow our SAT test strategies, you can literally improve your score by 150 points or even more, which is quite big!
Did you know that you can take the test multiple times and send your best score to the colleges. Yes, its true but you can not send individual section scores.
Set a Target Score and Create a Study Plan
Without setting targets, you won’t have fruitful results. Hence, its important to set a target SAT score and, based on that target, make a study plan. It should outline what you have to study on a weekly basis. Stick to this schedule and remember that consistency is the key.
Use Official SAT Practice Tests
There are many types of SAT test guides and SAT practice tests that can help you in your SAT preparation. Use these preparation resources to get the real feel of the test. By practising on SAT practice tests, you’ll understand the structure and format of the paper and get used to time yourself according to the exam duration. SAT practice tests will also help you identify difficult areas so that you can work on them and improve.
Focus on Weak Areas with SAT Test Strategies
Talking about identifying weak areas, once you identify them, make a strategy to tackle it. SAT test strategies work well in working on problem areas. For example, if you find trigonometry difficult then make good test strategies to work on it.
Build Your Vocabulary
The major part of the SAT is reading and writing. If you don’t have a good vocabulary, you won’t score well. Hence, you’ll have to improve your SAT reading skills by exposing yourself to new words either through SAT study guides or complex English texts. There are many vocabulary-building apps, flashcards, and lists of commonly tested SAT words to enhance your word knowledge.
Master Math Fundamentals
The Math section covers a range of topics from algebra to advanced math. Ensure you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and basic statistics. Practice solving math problems quickly and accurately to build confidence and speed.
Develop Test-Taking Strategies
Develop different SAT test strategies to approach different types of questions. For example, identify questions that will take less time and pace yourself accordingly while answering them. This will help you attempt every question with a dedicated pace proper time management.
Use Official SAT Study Materials
Instead of studying from any random resource, try to use official SAT study materials like SAT study guides and practice papers. This will help you get feel of the real exam.
Join a Study Group or Get a Tutor
One of the best way to prepare for SAT is by taking external help. You can either join a study group or hire a tutor to get personalized preparation tips. Approach the best Overseas Education Consultant in Lucknow and ace in your SAT with their expertise.
Practice Writing Essays
Practicing more and more will help you score well in your SAT, especially practicing essays. If you want to score well in your SAT exam, then you’ll have to improve your writing skills. SAT essay practive is the best way to do so.
Stay Consistent and Create a Study Schedule
Consistency is the key to success. No matter which path or career you choose, if you are not consistent then you won’t see success. So, be it your SAT exams or anything else, consistent practice is very important.
These were the ten best SAT test strategies that can help you improve your SAT score by 150 points. So, use these SAT tips well by understanding the test format, building a strong vocabulary, working on your reading skills and don’t forget to PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE!
Reach out to the best study abroad consultants in Lucknow at My Mentor if you need help! We are here for you!